Munich, one of the four metaCCAZE Trailblazer Cities, is working to reduce traffic congestion while improving safety of the pedestrians and other street users. Dynamic Curbside Management (DCM) has the potential to streamline urban parking for logistics, businesses, and residents.
In a workshop held last summer, over 30 stakeholders, including municipal and logistics representatives, explored the potentials of bookable curbside spaces as a way to use the public space more efficiently and to reduce congestion. Participants discussed operational concerns and user needs, with many of them expressing interest in a dedicated API to integrate the booking of curbside slots within their internal fleet and routing software. One of the core challenges addressed at the workshop was the reliability of reservations. Stakeholders emphasised the importance of early morning enforcement and the need for multilingual interfaces.
Legal and logistical hurdles remain, particularly around the current restrictions on reserving public spaces in Germany.
metaCCAZE partner Stadtraum presented their technical solution (SmaLa) and shared insights from a similar project in Hamburg.
In metaCCAZE, the City of Munich is cooperating with several partners, including the Technical University of Munich, Stadtraum, B4B Logistics, Smart City System Parking Solutions GmbH and DB Schenker. Learn more about Munich’s role as a Trailblazer City Munich here.