As part of the EU Cities Mission, the Mission Platform managed by NetZeroCities has been supporting 112 Mission Cities selected by the European Commission as they strive to reach climate neutrality by 2030.
Building on this experience and on the resources, tools and capacities created to support Mission Cities, we are now expanding part of our online support to all cities across Europe and Horizon-associated countries aiming towards climate neutrality, regardless of their current level of progress.
Support now open to all European cities
Via the online NetZeroCities Portal, part of our suite of services, tools, resources and opportunities becomes available to more cities, offering an opportunity to reinforce and accelerate climate action towards net zero.
All cities can now benefit from an opportunity to learn from Mission Cities, drawing on their experiences and strategies to shape local approaches for climate neutrality, and contributing to the broader EU Green Deal goal of achieving a climate-neutral Europe by 2050.
For detailed information on the support available, you can check out our step-by-step guide available on the NetZeroCities Portal.
More about metaCCAZE
metaCCAZE contributes to the goals of the EU Mission Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities. In this project, 10 Mission cities test the potential of zero emission shared mobility solutions in real and diverse urban environments. Discover our cities here.